Metamorphosis Merit Badge

metamorphosis merit badge

The Metamorphosis Award: For leaders who are trying their best.

Watching Donald Trump go from Trump Tower to the White House has been like watching an ongoing continuation of his reality tv show. Trump’s behaviour certainly hasn’t shifted one iota since taking office…which is causing lots of hand-wringing south of the border for the fact that it’s so ‘unPresidential’. Whether you’re Donald Trump or a newly promoted Director, leadership is all about needing to adapt our behaviours to new situations. What worked great at one level, isn’t necessarily going to work at the next. Great leaders know this and work on themselves regularly to transform into what’s needed.

For this month’s merit badge, we’re handing out the Metamorphosis Award for leaders who have transformed their leadership style and approach to meet the challenges of a new role, change in scope or just stepped up to work on some behaviour that was getting in their way. We applaud you for all your efforts to do better once you know better!

If you know someone who has earned this award, make their day by downloading our free certificate and honouring them for role modelling personal development.

Happy Leading!

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