Managing the Middle


The hard-working stalwart middle manager. They work across hierarchical boundaries to filter and translate top-down senior management strategy, and conversely to bubble-up the needs of the workers they represent. These mid-tier managers face a lot of pressure from both sides of the hierarchy.

According to Gartner, “the responsibilities of managers — and the number of workers who report to them — have skyrocketed, making it more difficult to provide hands-on assistance.” Gartner’s research shows that 70% of HR leaders are reporting that their managers are overwhelmed by their responsibilities.

Yet, in many organizations, the focus is on developing new managers, high potential leaders and executive teams. One area where L&D will begin to shine a light is on the middle manager — how can we tap into their organizational and subject-matter expertise? How can we help them pay it forward? Group mentoring and coaching programs are an excellent opportunity for middle managers to share their insights and knowledge, and give them the tools to raise the level of their teams.

Thinking about the middle managers, how can you help them leave a legacy as they start a new stage of their career journey?

Peer group coaching may be just what your organization has been looking to take its employee development efforts to the next level. If you’d like to know more about our group coaching programs, contact us to start a conversation.


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