#BizRAK2019: The Roundtable Holiday Happiness Guide Day 5

This week, The Roundtable is celebrating the 2019 holiday season by giving back to our amazing community. To show our thanks and spread some cheer, we’ve put together a Holiday Happiness Guide with tips and tricks to make the most out of the holiday season.

For the past 4 years, we have done a BizRAK campaign in December to encourage people to perform random acts of kindness at work. We are huge fans of Steffi Black and her Random Acts of Kindness Week, so we are bringing BizRAK back with 5 days of #BizRAK2019.

Day 5 is all about tapping into our inner Mr. Rogers. Here are 5 ways to be a better (work)neighbour this holiday season:

1.Be a Cookie Fairy

It’s the season of giving, and SWEET TREATS! So, combine the two and share your love of baking with the people in your office building.

2. Set up a Holiday Card table in the lobby

Encourage the spirit of giving back by setting up a Holiday Card table/booth in the lobby of your office building. Let your neighbours pick out cards to send to their colleagues, friends, and loved ones.

3. Invite your neighbours over for cookies and hot chocolate

Set up a Meet and Greet for all your building neighbours. Make new connections over biscuits and hot beverages. You’ll never know who you’ll end up doing business with!

4. Clean up a common area in the building

Show your kindness by cleaning up OR decorating a common area in the building. Leave your neighbours a little message in the space so they know you care!

5. Leave letters or cards in their mailboxes

Go on a massive Holiday Card spree (the plantable ones!) and leave them in your neighbour’s mailboxes. Let them know you’ve enjoyed being their neighbour and can’t wait to see them in the New Year.


Let us know which one of these RAKs you’ll be doing, and check back in tomorrow for another Holiday Happiness Guide!



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