Wrapping up our 10th Anniversary Year!

When I launched the (then) Executive Roundtable on December 13, 2007, I was working from my spare bedroom with one part-time student helping me for an hour or two each week. Over the past decade there have been lots of changes: from home office to a downtown location; from 2 participants in our inaugural mentoring program to hundreds of program alumni across a variety of our award-winning group and team coaching programs; from one part-time staffer to an incredible team of 10 plus countless committee members and advisors. And so much more.

As we wrap up our 10th Anniversary Year at The Roundtable, I wanted to take a moment to pause, reflect and thank everyone who has been on this journey with us. This past year was a breakthrough for us with expanded programs, incredibly deep and impactful work and many of our ‘dreaming big’ goals met and exceeded. Here are just a few of the highlights from 2018:


  • We welcomed a host of new clients in 2018 and had our 700thRoundtable participant graduate from our hallmark program The Roundtable for Leaders. We also celebrated as over 200 people accelerated through our latest group mentoring offering, The Roundtable Catalyst.


  • November also saw the 5th installment of our Alumni Unconference – Recharge. This year’s sold out session left us all wanting more with amazing panelists and thought leadership from JF Menard, Tricia Naddaff and Nancy Watt. Mark your calendar for next year.


And we’re not done yet! Our team is gearing up for another amazing year of growth. Here’s what you can expect from The Roundtable in 2019:

  • Roundtable Alumni program: If you are a member of our alumni community looking for more Roundtable content and connections, we are excited to be launching a new program in 2019. Thanks to our Recharge attendees for helping us shape this program.
  • Roundtable HR Exchange: Our popular HR Exchange for executive level HR leaders is getting refreshed and relaunched. If you’re interested in participating, let Leah know.
  • Expanded Roundtable Resources: new tools are in development to help you advance your coaching skills to the next level. Stay tuned for more updates in the New Year.

Whether you’ve been with us from the beginning or joined us along the way, thank you for being a part of our kick-ass tribe. We couldn’t do any of this without you!

Happy holidays and best wishes to you and your family,

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