The Motivation Myth – How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win

The Motivation Myth book cover

By: Jeff Haden

Reviewed by: Roundtable Member Kevin Pocklington

The Premise: Jeff Haden is a ghostwriter, LinkedIn Influencer, and speaker. While working through university he gained experience in manufacturing (why I like this guy) and started ghostwriting for different clients. Jeff has written for dozens of books and has five #1 hits on Amazon. His latest book upturns the idea that big goals result in big success. Jeff argues small successes lead to constant motivation, which in turn helps you achieve your big goals. Jeff’s secret for success is to set a goal, focus on your process to achieve the goal, then forget the goal and focus on your daily activities. Jeff recommends removing choice in your daily decisions and building a daily routine that supports your goal. As stated in the book, “A dream, once born, quickly dies without a process to support it.”

Another area Jeff explores is coaching. He illustrates how once you reach a level of expertise your rate of improvement slows as you compare your past self with your present self. Jeff argues that you must leverage a coach or mentor to change your perspective and facilitate improving your skills. Stop comparing you with you, and start benchmarking yourself against a pro. Benchmark with what’s possible, then build a daily route to advance forward.

The Bottom Line: Jeff is a talented writer with great arguments and recommendations for demystifying the motivation myth. The book is an easy read with direct correlations to personal and business life. Leveraging Jeff’s recommendations will concentrate your energy, broaden your awareness, and result in a higher level of performance. I recommend buying this book as the first step in triggering your motivation cycle.

Roundtable Rating: Recommended for ambitious leaders looking to enhance personal and organizational motivation in pursuit of a better tomorrow.

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