Coach to Change Behaviour for HR Professionals

c2cb-thumbnail-imageOften what makes leaders successful in some situations will be the approach that derails them in others. Every strength we possess has a corresponding ‘liability’. For individuals to be successful, we need to help them build a toolkit of behaviours that allows them to adapt to a variety of leadership situations. And yet, most of us struggle with how to provide behavioural based feedback. In this group coaching series, you will work with a group of peers to strengthen your own behavioural coaching skills using a proven framework for success.  Learn More

This program is inclusive of 2 half-day learning session at two week intervals, followed by a 30-minute coaching session.

Cost: $1500 + HST

Session Dates: October 11th and October 25th 2017

Stay tuned for dates or contact Jackie Serviss to learn more!

For more information, contact Jackie Serviss at 416-907-2106 x225.  Or, to register for one of our upcoming cohorts, complete the application form below.  

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