Book Review: You2

you2 Book Cover

Book: You2

By: Price Pritchett

Reviewed by: Glain Roberts-McCabe

The Premise: Forget incremental change, in You2 psychologist Price Prichett challenges you to multiply your personal effectiveness in quantum leaps. Pritchett implores the reader to reframe their personal rules of success, quit trying harder and ignore conventional approaches to get breakthrough results. The book walks you through ways to challenge your thinking, lean into discomfort and move beyond self-imposed limits. This is a fast read – 30 minutes or less if you read quickly and is probably more of a ‘booklet’ than a book.

The Bottomline: If you’re interested in getting new ways of thinking about success, this is a good little book to prime your brain. It’s heavy on platitudes and light on actionable ideas, but if you’re simply looking for a dose of inspiration, this is a quick read. Every January, I spend a bit of time setting intentions and creating my 3-year vivid vision. Much of what Pritchett outlines in his book has been a regular practice for me for several years and I’m a big fan of the idea of getting beyond your self-imposed limitations. I did however pull out a few new gems. My favourite line was in the chapter Seek Failure. Pritchett asserts that to achieve a quantum leap in your success, you need to be willing to fail. Not much new there, but he adds: “failure is a resource. It helps you find the edge of your capabilities.” That line was worth the (over) price I paid having this book ship from the US. Too often, we stay in our comfort zone or with only one foot out of it and never really know where our capabilities can ultimately take us. You2 is a great read if you’re thinking about making a bold move but keep holding yourself back. I also loved his provocation to quit trying harder and instead ricochet yourself into a completely unexpected direction. I think there is definitely something in that for anyone who’s finding themselves overextended at work. Zig when others are zagging, I say. You2 probably isn’t for everybody, but if you’re interested in moving beyond the paradigm that success needs to come one step at a time, this may be the book for you.

Recommendation: Recommended for leaders ready to move beyond conventional thinking of success.

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