2018: Painting the Year Purple

It was 10 years ago today that the (then) Executive Roundtable was officially launched into the world. I remember pressing the trigger on my email campaign announcing our arrival and waiting with baited breath for my phone to start ringing off the hook. Of course, it didn’t.

My vision then was the same as it is now: to create an organization where leaders who truly gave a shit could exchange and engage with each other in order to propel their careers forward.

In the decade since that launch, we have gone through many changes and have experienced our share of excitement… our first paying client (thank you Anna Petosa); our first employees (thank you Julius, Shannon and Karin); our first Roundtable for Leaders program (thank you Alison, Eleanor, Shana, Anita, Leslie, Tammy, Merjane and Lauralei); our first corporate program (thank you Dave and Janey)… and there’s so much more.

Since December 13, 2007, we have worked with our members to continually innovate and meet the evolving needs of high potential leaders across organizations and sectors. A few milestones…

  • In 2010, we launched our Roundtable for Leaders program and in 2014, we won a Gold Award of Excellence from the (then) Canadian Society of Training & Development.
  • In 2013, we launched Roundtable Recharge our annual Alumni Unconference.
  • In 2014, we launched our Team Coaching practice.

  • In 2016, we launched our Roundtable Catalyst guided group mentoring program. We also won External HR Consultancy/Advisory of the Year from the Canadian HR Awards.
  • In 2016 we also freshened our brand and became known as The Roundtable.

As we look ahead to 2018, we have many more exciting things up our sleeves. And, as if in support of our energies, Pantone announced their colour of 2018 to be Ultra Violet. Let’s paint the year purple!

Of course, we are taking this as a MAJOR sign.

To everyone who has supported us on our journey so far, words cannot adequately express the gratitude that we have for your belief and encouragement of our work. And to those who are just getting to know our community… welcome.
We are the place where leaders cultivate their leadership together and we can’t wait to have you join us.

Watch this space for exciting updates and activities all year long!

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