12 Days of Business Kindness

Currently, my grade 7 daughter is being socially bullied at school. As any parent out there knows, when your kid is in pain, it’s simply awful. To combat the exclusion, we’re trying to keep our daughter focused on being kind. My friend Steffi Black runs programs in schools as a ‘kindness coach’ where children are encouraged not to ‘stop bullying’ but to ‘start kindness’. In a world that seems to be so overrun lately with negative energy, it occurred to me that we could all use a bit more kindness.

Starting tomorrow, we will be issuing a Random Act of Business Kindness Holiday Challenge. For the next 12 days we’ll be posting an act of kindness challenge on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Join us and challenge your friends to send some positive energy out into the world. Tweet your stories to us at #12DaysofBizRAK. We look forward to spreading some kindness with you.

Happy leading!




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