What’s your Ghostbuster?

Last night, I moderated a panel for the Schulich MBA alumni on Brand You.  We did our own “Brand You” event in October (check out the blog recap here).  Anyway, great group and great panelists – Andrea Garson and Gabriella O’Rourke – but my memorable moment came from the crowd:

After a table discussion break, one of the participants made a statement that went along the lines of “When you think about your brand – or as I like to call it, your Ghostbuster – you gotta think how do I get people to think ‘who you gonna call?’ With the answer being, me!”.

I love that!  What’s your personal Ghostbuster?

What’s the thing that people are “gonna” call you for?  …Your quick ideas? Your ability to simplify complex problems?  Your calm voice of reason?

In today’s free agent, fluid global workplace, having a clear strategy on how you’re going to hone and develop your personal “Ghostbuster” has never been so necessary.

Make sure you keep that career phone ringing.

Happy leading!

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