What’s Next?

Book What Next by Barbara MosesBy: Barbara Moses

Reviewed by: Glain Roberts-McCabe

The Premise: What’s Next provides readers with a way to take control and navigate through their own career paths. Written by career guru Barbara Moses, the book guides readers through a journey to discover themselves and identify where they can put their talents to work. The book tackles tough subjects like knowing when it’s time to move on. It provides strategies for everything from how to get your career mojo back to how to create better work-life balance. A variety of questions, checklists and self-reflective activities make What’s Next a portable career advisor that you will likely go back to again and again.

The Bottom Line: I recommend this book regularly. I love the fact that it’s stuffed with practical questions and career strategies, and that it covers the entire spectrum of job engagement. Whether you’re searching for a new role or are trying to figure out how to get re-engaged in the one you’re in, What’s Next provides lots of practical tools and advice. In addition, Moses shares strategies to help you cope with some of the less talked about aspect of careers: the dreaded career crisis. From reframing failure to dealing with challenging bosses, there are concrete strategies in here that are sure to help. What’s Next is truly like having your own career coach at your fingertips… for a fraction of the price.

Roundtable Rating: Recommended for anyone searching for a new role or looking to get re-engaged in their current role.

Check out the book here.

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