What are you willing to do to succeed?

Readers of this blog and our newsletter, The Roundtable Recap, know that we are BIGG fans of BIGG SUCCESS.  Their January newsletter had such a fantastic  message that we just had to share it.  Thank you to George and Mary-Lynn from BIGG Success for letting us reprint it.  For all of you out there that are yearning to do something bigger with your leadership and your life, here’s a great lesson in what it takes to succeed.  Enjoy!

What are you willing to do to succeed?

Successful people do what unsuccessful people don’t. Sounds obvious, right? But if it’s that easy, why don’t unsuccessful people just change their ways?

Because it’s hard!

It’s easy to run with the crowd. It’s easy to make excuses. It’s easy to blame the economy or your boss or your parents or your spouse for your circumstances. 

It’s hard to take responsibility for your outcome. It’s hard to do the important thing when you could do something else that’s more fun. It’s hard to act in the face of uncertainty.

Unsuccessful people take the easy route and end up living a hard life. Successful people do those things that are hard so they can have a life that’s easy. 

Seeing is believing

Nevertheless, you will face obstacles on your path to bigg success. Do you see them as insurmountable problems or challenges to be overcome? 

Do you see yourself actively pursuing your dreams or waiting for fate to determine your destiny?

You have to see a new you to be a new you.

Believing is seeing

But first you have to believe. Believe in yourself. Believe that you will reach bigg success. You believe – from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.

But that’s not good enough.

This belief has to come from the core of your being, from deep down in your soul. You have to feel it in your gut.

You believe – really believe. Believe so much that it consumes you. So much that you can vividly see yourself achieving your goals, living life on your own terms and reaching the bigg success of which you dream!

Are you ready for 2010 to be your year to achieve bigg success?  We think you are.

Happy leading!

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