What are you really feeling?

Last week, we had an e-Roundtable with Stacey Allerton Firth, VP of HR for Ford Canada.  The topic was on how to negotiate successfully.  My thought was that anyone who can go toe-to-toe with the CAW and come out five months ahead of schedule has some interesting experience to share!

One of the things Stacey shared that really hit a chord for me was the notion of what your mindset is towards the person you are going into the negotiation with.  If you believe that the person is untrustworthy, arrogant, stubborn, etc. all those underlying feelings will cloud your negotiation from the beginning.

This idea that how we approach any discussion based on our feelings for the person is an interesting one.  Serendipitously, one of our Members had recently recommended the book “Leadership and Self-Deception” by the Arbinger Institute.  It’s a fascinating read that shines a strong light on the underlying perceptions and feelings that we may have towards any given person and how that either enables or derails the conversation.

This book is definitely worth the read… it’s one of those books that you’ll find relevant to both your business and personal relationships.  And, in busy times like these, there’s nothing like killing two developmental birds with one stone.

Happy leading!

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