Top 3 Takeaways from Leading to Greatness with Jim Reid

Ask the Expert: Leading to Greatness with Jim Reid

Jim Reid, former CHRO of Rogers, joined our Roundtable Talks platform to share the key principles from his new book Leading to Greatness and the wisdom that comes from a robust career chock full of learning and leadership. We were all charmed by Jim’s openness and authenticity and I, personally, left the session deeply inspired.

Here are my personal takeaways from talking to Jim. Watch the full recording here to grab your own.

1. Foundations Matter

Jim shared the importance of understanding and getting clear on your values as a core principle of leadership but what also struck me was the emphasis he placed on the choice you make around your partner and who you surround yourself with. We often view leadership as a solo act – the notion that ‘it’s lonely at the top’. Hearing Jim speak about his wife and family, his mentors and champions, was a refreshing and important reminder that great leaders start from a solid foundation of self insight and a network of support.

2. Risk to Win

Jim’s career started in operations where his ambitions were to run a business unit. When a former boss tapped him on the shoulder to move into HR, it was unexpected. As Dan Pink points out in his latest book The Power of Regret, Jim gave us a great example of how sometimes taking a bold move leads us to unexpected rewards. It got me thinking about what bold choices I needed to be making that I’ve been avoiding.

3. Know When It’s Time to Go

Often leaders overstay their welcome or try to grind things out when there is a conflict of values between themselves and the organization. As Jim steps out of a highly successful career at Rogers to embark on his next act, I was struck by the fact that, as leaders, sometimes one of the hardest decisions we need to make is knowing when it’s time to pass the baton to the next generation. Listening to Jim talk about this next chapter of his life and seeing the obvious peace he has in his heart about stepping out was a wonderful example of a career and life well lived and a leader who is highly attuned to his core values.

This was one of these conversations that could have gone on for hours. Grab a copy of Jim’s new book and learn about his 5 core principles for great leadership. What I love about them is they are simple, actionable and evidence-based. This is a must-read for our community.

And, thank you to all who expressed interest in our #Impact215 campaign in support of Indspire. Learn how you can get involved and help us fund 215 student bursaries for Indigenous youth.

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