Top 3 Takeaways from “Every Conversation Counts” with Riaz Meghji

ask the expert - Riaz Meghji

Riaz Meghji has spent close to two decades as a broadcaster, learning the art of making connections and building relationships. In his new book, Every Conversation Counts, Riaz outlines five habits of human connection and how critical this connection is as we find ourselves navigating a global pandemic. As we find ourselves in, as Riaz calls it, “the throes of a social pandemic” the need to connect and cultivate meaningful relationships is more critical now than at any other point in recent history.

This  session was packed with so many nuggets and practical strategies. I encourage you to give it a review and pick one thing to put into action this month. Big change comes from small actions. You can order Riaz’s book Every Conversation Counts by visiting his website and be sure to check out his YouTube channel for some great videos that you can share with your team. We all need connection now more than ever.

My Top 3 Takeaways


1) We are Social Beings

As Covid has created more and more lockdowns, all of us are struggling with a lack of social connection and are suffering from the disintegration of boundaries between work and home-life. As leaders, it is critical that we recognize and acknowledge the challenges and struggles our teammates may be facing – as well as our own. Creating space for vulnerable conversations builds connections during a time of distance. By sharing our own struggles with our teams, it creates the safe space needed for them to do the same and for all of us to strengthen and support each other. We don’t have to go through this alone.

2) Get Ready for Your Close-up

The Zoom-era has turned every leader into an on-screen performer. As we grapple with building culture and creating engagement through our computer monitors, we need to shift our approach and channel techniques long used by on-camera talent. From setting the stage (keep those cameras on!), to channeling our energy, leading virtually demands a higher level of theatrical performance. Like actors running their lines, leaders can benefit from dress rehearsals and watching video playbacks to evaluate how their emotional energy is coming across. Being intentional with how we show up and how we build connection is critical to making an inspirational impact across digital platforms.

3) The Game Changing Question About Grief

Covid has shortened the lives of many people over the course of the past year and yet grief is something we continue to be uncomfortable talking about. For many of us, avoid these difficult conversations under the guise of not wanting to upset the individual when in fact it, we’re simply making ourselves comfortable. Riaz shared a game changing question that you can ask someone who may be struggling with grief: “What would you like me to know about this person?” I loved that we spoke about this often off-limits topic and I loved that I learned more about Riaz’s father during this wonderful conversation.

You can find recordings of all our sessions on our YouTube Channel. Next up, I’m going to be talking to the wonderful Bob Joseph, author of 21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act. This is going to be an important conversation. Register here.

And registration is on now for our Spring Roundtable for Leaders program. This session is open to leaders at the Senior Manager / Director level. As a reminder, all our programs are delivered virtually so join us! Contact us here to get more information.

PS – Don’t forgot to grab a copy of my new book The Grassroots Leadership Revolution to get tips on managing your career and building a network of support

Happy leading!


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