The Roundtable Earns Brandon Hall’s Gold Award for Best Advance in Leadership Development

2022 Brandon Hall Awards Gold for Leadership Development

The Roundtable and our partner, PepsiCo Foods Canada (PFC), are proud to have earned a coveted Brandon Hall Group Gold award for excellence in the Best Advance in Leadership Development category. The win was announced on August 18 during a live webinar hosted by Brandon Hall Group. (All the winners are listed here.) 

The Leadership Roundtable program (LRP) was first launched with Pepsico Foods Canada (PFC) in January 2011. The program is a 12-month group coaching program rooted in the neuroscience of adult learning. It incorporates a variety of components including individual assessment using the Hogan Instrument, personal goal setting, manager engagement over the duration of the program, group coaching sessions, 1:1 coaching, on-the-job application exercises, peer learning partners as well as webinars, special events and extensive resources.

The unique combination of both an individual and collective journey profoundly deepens participant self-awareness and insights in a group setting where leaders hold each other accountable.

“This experience was extraordinary.  I believe this program has made me a better leader and I have gained a greater sense of awareness of my capabilities.”  

 – Participant 

The Leadership Roundtable Program has been widely and very successfully adopted by participants, who are nominated from all functions across the company (and across the country) by their direct managers. This has built the programs cachet amongst participants. Having been delivered now over 11 years at PFC, many of the original program participants have been promoted and are now in more senior roles and nominate people for the program. This has added a greater depth of understanding of the program and increased the managers role as internal coach throughout the process.

“Participating in this program helped me to have a broader perspective of the business so when making decisions I had a more holistic approach.”

– Participant 

A few years ago, we introduced another program that provides LRP graduates with an opportunity to further ‘pay it forward’ by leading group mentoring circles on various leadership topics. Called Roundtable Catalyst, this program has allowed LRP grads to continue to hone their mentoring and coaching skills while developing emerging leaders within the organization.

“I loved the peer-to-peer networking & coaching. The learning clinics were catered to the participants and were very “real” & applicable.”

– Participant

Throughout the programs, both the organization and participants have benefitted:

  • Shortened time required to prepare these leaders for the challenges associated with their leadership roles at the executive level
  • 100% of participants felt they made very good to excellent progress towards their goals over the course of the program.
  • For Net Promoter scores, 100% of participants and direct managers would highly recommend the program to others.

*Net Promotor Scores (NPS) is used by The Roundtable to track client satisfaction. An NPS score can run from -100 to +100. For services-based businesses an NPS of 75% or above is considered Best in Class.

If you are interested in our Roundtable for Leaders program or Roundtable Catalyst program, give us a shout and let’s talk.

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