The Quiet Quitting Trend and What to Do About It

Like you, here at The Roundtable, we’ve been hearing quite a lot about “quiet quitting.” Which, in most cases doesn’t involve quitting at all, but rather opting out of “hustle culture” that asks people to do more in less time, push harder to get bigger results, etc. Quiet quitting is really a kind of psychological shutdown. Doing your job but not living your job. In short, quiet quitting is a symptom of employees not connecting to their work or managers.

And it’s not just hearsay. A recent Deloitte report in conjunction with the independent research firm Workplace Intelligence found that nearly 70% of executives are seriously considering quitting their current positions for a job that better supports their mental well-being.

A Hidden Opportunity

With so many people thinking about quiet quitting — the concept of no longer going above and beyond — perhaps there is no better time for HR leaders to view quiet quitting as an opportunity to learn how to re-engage workers to move toward a common purpose. While companies may look to salary bumps and perks to improve the transactional elements of the employment relationship, the key for long-term retention is building a deeper connection among leaders and teams and their connection to their jobs.

The big question everyone is asking is how can we create this type of sustainable engagement? The very act of a leader or high potential being chosen for coaching can make a leader feel valued and part of an organization’s long-term plans. However, one-to-one coaching is far too expensive to apply across the board, and it simply isn’t sustainable. This is where group coaching can be a game-changer.

Build a Connection

Developing a connection to ourselves and our colleagues is the foundation that gives our work life meaning and purpose. Structured in a strategic way that creates human connection before content, cohort members feel safe to share in ways that are often both vulnerable and growth-enhancing. This psychological safety builds bonds and creates a sense of real belonging.

Refuel the Passion

Group coaching is about people feeling heard, valued and understood, and then helping them become the best version of themselves. Cohorts explore their values and beliefs, and how to connect those core drivers to the work they do. Group coaching helps people tap into the worthwhile work that they want to do, all the while building connection and relationships. It drives a renewed sense of purpose that leaders bring back to their teams.

Shift the Culture

In today’s world, the topic of breaking down silos is ongoing. A group coaching cohort brings together individuals from different parts of an organization, creating a web of relationships across departments. The participants share ideas and insights and get different perspectives across disparate business groups. These new relationships across an organization often provide an important vehicle for culture change.

Peer group coaching may be just what your organization has been looking to take its employee development efforts to the next level. If you’d like to know more about our group coaching programs, contact us to start a conversation.

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