The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Book The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph MurphyBy: Joseph Murphy

Reviewed by: Glain Roberts McCabe

The Premise: Before The Secret, there was The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. Dr. Joseph Murphy’s writing has inspired hundreds of self-help gurus from Tony Robbins to Zig Ziglar and many in between. Tapping into scientific research as well as spiritual touchstones (Murphy was a Minister), this book promises to help its readers unlock the secrets to happiness, prosperity and peace of mind. After the initial set up in the opening chapters, you can dive into specific areas that may interest you the most: relationships, health, wealth, happiness, success, removing fear and mental blocks, etc. There’s even a chapter on how to stay young in spirit forever. Each chapter provides summary action steps and throughout the book there are examples of how the author has seen the results of the exercises manifest. According to Murphy, by rewiring your brain and your beliefs, you can achieve anything you desire.

The Bottom-line: Readers know that I’ve been on a bit of journey this past year with mindfulness, so it was with great interest that I picked up this book on the recommendation of one of our members. Thankfully, there is some good scientific evidence backing up some of the stories in this book… otherwise I would have had a hard time believing many of the examples used. Some of the health transformations are downright miraculous but many other examples were highly relatable. I found this book to be incredibly powerful. The idea that you can remake yourself and your life by creating a new blueprint for your subconscious mind to follow is fascinating. The key really rests in your ability to believe in the seeds that you are planting. If you want to be wealthy and plant that seed but really don’t feel like you deserve wealth or will ever be wealthy, it’s the latter that will manifest. Really fascinating material and for people who have a “glass is half empty” view of life, this could be the kind of book that could really change the game. For everyone else, this is a powerful way to focus your life and your goals to achieve what you want.

Rating: Recommended for anyone interested in raising the bar on their life.

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