The Off-Site is Outdated

FACT: The 1-2 day off-site approach to leadership development is antiquated.

But why?

Organizations are Hierarchical

An off-site approach to leadership development doesn’t address the very real issues of fragmented corporate cultures. For leaders to thrive they need to strong internal networks, which also encourages collaboration and diversity of thought.

The solution is deceptively simple.

Solution: Flatten the Hierarchy

We need to support a more holistic group approach where leaders gather, and there is a safe space to explore ideas, support each other and expand capabilities both individually and collectively.

By shifting to a collective approach to problem solving, you can deepen the awareness of the common challenges and the opportunities that exist across functions.

Group Coaching Brings Leaders Together

Group coaching brings together cross-functional leaders, enabling them to get out of their own little departmental world. It creates an opportunity for dialogue throughout an organization, so that leaders can address issues in real time, and discuss what’s working and what isn’t.

While 1-to-1 coaching has its place, group coaching, like our Roundtable for Leaders program, is a combination of both an individual and collective journey that profoundly deepens participant self- awareness and insights in a powerful group setting where leaders hold each other accountable.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can maximize your existing one-to-one executive coaching programs into high impact group programs, feel free to reach out to me to discuss your strategic priorities. Together we can break down silos in your organization.

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