That’s a Wrap! 2016 #12DaysofBizRAK Sign Off

All the 12 days of business kindness in one place
All the 12 days of business kindness in one place

Wow! When we launched the 12 Days of Business Kindness in 2015, we wanted to bring a little bit of positive energy into the month of December to set off some positive karma for the holiday season and new year. In 2016, we felt that we could all use a little more kindness in our worlds and so many of you agreed! Participants from Canada, the US, the UK, Australia and Asia took up our daily challenges and had some fun spreading kindness around the world.


Thank you to everyone who passed on a kind word, surprised a stranger with a treat or a free coffee. For those of you who took the time to thank a mentor, help a friend with a job search or brought in some gifts for your colleagues… you made a difference!

By participating in the #12DaysofBizRAK, you’ve been spreading some brightness in a world that has felt a little dark of late. As we enter into 2017, let’s keep the spirit of generosity and kindness going and growing.


Finally, many of our readers will be celebrating the Christmas season. For this year, in lieu of client cards and team Christmas gifts, we have decided to donate monies to help families who are struggling to stay alive in Aleppo. As we do small acts of kindness here, it’s hard not to think of the acts of horror that are currently being inflicted there.

post-itsFor all of our members, may you have a peaceful holiday season and much happiness to you and yours in the coming year. And let’s continue to spread kindness together.

Happy leading!




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