Soar With Your Strengths

Soar With Your StrengthsSoar with Your Strengths, Donald O. Clifton and Paula Nelson

Reviewed by: Glain Roberts-McCabe

The Premise: Just in time for your new years resolution, we dust off a bookshelf classic for our final book review of 2008. Before Marcus Buckingham brought commercial success to this concept, Donald Clifton and Paula Nelson’s 1992 pocket book challenged readers with the simple philosophy: find out what you do well and do more of it; and, find out what you don’t do well and stop doing it. Filled with decades of Gallup’s research and observation, this book shattered previously held myths about success and provides readers with a clear roadmap to achieve their best in business and life.

The Bottom-line: Unless you were one of the fortunate few who knew exactly what you were going to be when you grew up, most people in business simply stumble into their careers. And, once there – thanks in large part to remedial performance review systems – we spend an inordinate amount of time focussed on what we aren’t doing particularly well. Strengths-thinking challenges us to consider what would happen if we put the same amount of energy into leveraging our talents versus attempting to fix our weaknesses. Why not make 2009 your year to explore and reflect on your talents? Consider Soar with Your Strengths as a combination of career counsellor, therapist and executive coach all rolled into one. And, if you get inspired by the subject matter, continue on with Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman’s best selling contribution: First Break All the Rules.

Roundtable Rating: Recommended for those seeking an intro to strengths-based philosophy.

Readability Factor: Very easy.

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