Recharge 2017 Call for Speakers!

Do you have something you want to say on our Recharge theme of Choices? We have 4 open spots available and would love to hear from you!

What are we looking for?

Open to all Roundtable alumni and current Roundtable members. To participate, you must submit your speaking title and topic and follow the Pecha Kucha format… 20 slides in 20 seconds. Check out this video to learn how to deliver a killer Pecha Kucha session with author Dan Pink.

Our theme this year is Choices. Here are some potential ideas to explore:

  • A difficult choice you’ve had to make in your career
  • A choice you’re facing right now
  • A choice you’d like to have a ‘do over’ on
  • A choice that you feel leaders need to make for themselves
  • A choice that you feel organizations will need to make to keep people engaged

You get the picture.

If you are interested in giving this a shot and stretching our presentation skills, please send us the title of your presentation and the 3 key learning points that you will be covering. Click here to send your submission!

We will be selecting 4 individuals to share their presentation. Deadline to apply is July 31, 2017.

What’s in it for me?Pecha Kucha

  1. Major bragging rights!
  2. Fame and stardom through our event promotions
  3. A comp seat to the event
  4. The accolades and admiration of your peers

Looking forward to seeing your submissions!

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