Recharge 2015: Trust your people, know your purpose and have courage

We’re still buzzing at the Executive Roundtable office from last week’s Recharge conference. So many great ideas, so little time! A tribe of great leaders committed to making a difference, connecting, exchanging ideas, peer coaching — that’s some powerful stuff. Lesson #1 in a day full of great learning: We really need to get the community together more often.

Here are some of the big ideas from the day:

1. “Clean the toilet.” Peter Aceto, CEO of Tangerine kicked us off on a high note with a Q&A on his concept of Weology, as outlined in his recent book, Weology: How Everybody Wins When We Comes Before Me. We had to know — what does ‘Clean the Toilet’, one of the chapters in his book, mean in respect to leadership? A leader who “cleans the toilet” has empathy with their team, no job is ‘beneath’ them and that means having an understanding of what they’re asking their staff to do for them.

2. Embrace fresh ideas with both arms. Are millennials as entitled and lazy as everyone makes them out to be? Or are they just speaking the truth that Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers don’t want to hear? We got to the bottom of this with our expert Millennial panel, featuring Dave Holmes, Mayor, G Adventures, Reuven Gorsht, Global Vice President of Customer Strategy, SAP Software & Solutions, Sharmane Good, Senior VP, Customer Care at LoyaltyOne, and Logan Chambers, Senior Marketing Manager, Chips, PepsiCo Foods Canada. Our panel agrees- Do not resist millennials, and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and build relationships across generations. Bridging the generational gap is what will keep our businesses fresh and innovating into the future.

3. Trust your people & celebrate your accomplishments. Sharon Wood, CEO of Kids Help Phone, shared the importance of learning from failure, as well as some lessons on why teams fail. At the end of the day, trusting in your people and taking the time to celebrate is what will carry you through to success.

4. A team who are happy at home can bring their best work to the table. Pete Bombaci, former Country Head, Movember Canada, emphasized that looking out for your people and giving them the time they need to be with the families will mean they come to work energized, and ready to give their whole focus towards their work.



5. Be your best self, not the best. Lifelong learner and self-starter, Pattie Lovett-Reid, Chief Financial Commentator, CTV News, closed off the day with this: Your colleagues are not your competitors; being “the” best is a myth that will distract you from focusing on doing your best; and remember that mentoring is a reciprocal relationship. Now that’s a winning attitude!


For more great ideas from the day, check out our hashtag #RechargeTO

For pictures, check out our Instagram account: executiveroundtable
Mark your calendars! Next year’s Recharge lands on November 4th, 2016.

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