The Roundtable, in partnership with the LCBO, Earns Coveted Retail Council of Canada Excellence in Retailing: Talent Development Award

The Roundtable and our partner, the LCBO, are proud to have earned the Retail Council of Canada‘s (RCC) Excellence in Retailing Award 2024 in the Talent Development category. The win was announced on May 24 during the annual awards gala. This recognition highlights the LCBO’s commitment to fostering leadership and growth through our Catalyst Group Mentoring Program.

The Catalyst Group Mentoring Program is designed to elevate high-potential employees by equipping them with the skills, confidence, and insights needed to excel in their roles. This award underscores the program’s effectiveness and the tremendous impact it has had on the LCBO’s teams.

The Catalyst program at the LCBO launched in 2021 and ran for three years, generating momentum year over year to create an impact. The program helped support the critical elements of the business strategy related to creating and amplifying an inclusive and change-ready culture. This group coaching and mentoring program blended assessment, formal learning, informal learning. and social learning to support strategic and cultural priorities.

“Fantastic experience! This program is a game changer and culture accelerant. I’m so glad that we are investing in the development of our leaders.” 


There was an impact at both an individual and organizational level because of the program:

  • 100% of Catalyst leaders cited an improvement in their coaching and mentoring skills as a result of the program.
  • 93% of Catalyst participants cited an improved degree of self-awareness, a deepening of their leadership toolkit, and an understanding of their strengths and opportunities as successes from the program.
  • The Catalyst program was the first program at the LCBO to provide senior leaders with a cross-divisional view of high-potential leadership talent. This helped raise the profile of diverse talent and improve internal hiring.
  • One of the key desired outcomes was to create a positive and inclusive company culture that helps engage employees. Prior to the Catalyst program, the Employee Net Promoter Score (ENPS) for the question “How likely are you to recommend the LCBO as a good place to work?” was 6.4. The score jumped to 10.3 after the program, a statistically significant improvement.
  • In an employee survey, which was completed by over 6,000 employees, for the first time ever employees cited “supportive managers” as a Top 5 reason for promoting the LCBO as a place to work. While many elements contributed to the survey response, the Catalyst program is considered a contributing factor.

“The Catalyst program is like no other in the way that it invites authenticity and vulnerability into the professional domain, with a focus on building relationships and meaningful partnerships. Specifically, this opportunity facilitates collaboration and genuine integration of professional goals into the humanity we all bring to work with us on a daily basis. I am grateful to have had this opportunity and look forward to ongoing purpose-driven connections with colleagues across the organization.”                                                                            – Participant

Thank you to the LCBO for their dedication to talent development and for trusting us as their partner in this journey. This win is a shared success, reflecting the strength of our collaboration and our mutual dedication to nurturing future leaders.

At The Roundtable, we believe in the power of mentorship and continuous learning. We are proud to contribute to the LCBO’s mission of excellence and innovation.

If you are interested in our Roundtable for Leaders program or Roundtable Catalyst program, give us a shout and let’s talk.

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