Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week


At The Roundtable, we are big advocates for spreading kindness and compassion at work. If you couldn’t get enough of our #12daysofbizRAK, good news! February 12-18 marks worldwide Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) week. Why not try one (or more!) of these easy ways to make an impact in the day-to-day of someone else – simple acts of kindness that can really make a difference! And of course, we’d love to hear how your organization spreads kindness and compassion! Share your kindness acts on our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages with #RAKWEEK2017!

A few easy suggestions for spreading kindness…

  • Treat your co-workers by baking or buying a small snack for the break room
  • Thank your suppliers by dropping off coffee or a thank you note
  • Create a Kindness Coins Jar and ask the office to drop their spare change in the jar over the course of the week, then donate the contents to a local charity
  • Send a kindness note to a colleague, a supervisor, or maybe even the CEO – write 3 kind things about that person and give it to them at day’s end.

Useful links for you:  a complete list of ideas from Kindness Advocate Steffi Black, or for more information about RAK Week.

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