National Indigenous Peoples Day: Let’s Make an Impact Together

Group of indigneous students gathered together

Tomorrow, on June 21, it’s National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day that we recognize and celebrate the history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis across Canada. Here are some ways you can show allyship, appreciation and take actionable steps towards reconciliation.

  1. Follow Indigenous leaders, creators, and activists on social media, engage with their content and compensate them for their work. Repost and share Indigenous content, crediting their work, to amplify Indigenous voices.
  2. Diversify your narrative by seeking out, consuming and learning from indigenous-produced books, art, radio, television and music.
  3. Find out whose land you occupy and educate yourself about the peoples, their history, their culture and their contributions – head over to to get started.
  4. Enrol in the self-guided training called “First Steps as an Indigenous Ally” and then take the pledge of reconciliation through Indigenous Corporate Training Inc, with eight commitments to help you and your organization contribute meaningfully to reconciliation.
  5. Donate to and volunteer with Indigenous organizations. Establish long-term partnerships when possible to provide stability and continuity and leadership through your work.

Help Us Make an Impact

Just over a year ago, The Roundtable embarked on a multi-year partnership with Indspire through their Building Brighter Futures initiative by launching #Impact215 to provide financial assistance to Indigenous youth in Canada. The partnership represented a commitment to fund 5 students over 5 years to the amount of $25,000.

In January 2023, we expanded our vision and set a goal to support 215 students by launching our #Impact215 campaign in honour of the 215 children found in unmarked graves at the site of the Kamloops Indian Residential School. To bring this vision to life, we formed the #Impact215 Consortium in collaboration with the Indigenous Training Corporation Inc3Coze and Parachute Executive Coaching.

Learn more about our #Impact215 partnership with Indspire.

Refer a colleague to a Roundtable program. We have committed to taking a percentage of all referral sales that we receive and putting those monies towards funding more #Impact215 bursaries. Contact us here.

 Make a donation directly to Impact215. Any amount will make a big difference and help us fund more students. Donate here.

If you are and independent coach or training company and would like to join our team as either an Ally or an Advocate, download our How to Get Involved Guide to learn more.

In Case You Missed It

And, we are so pleased that the 2023 Indspire Awards had an even broader scope for celebration this year. It’s been 30 years since the award’s launch and this year’s event will not only honour 12 exceptional Indigenous achievers, but will also commemorate 30 years of Indigenous excellence, welcoming past Indspire Laureates to a generation-spanning event along with the 2023 Awards recipients. The stories of the 2023 Indspire Laureates were shared in a nationally broadcast celebration on Sunday June 18th that showcased the diversity and accomplishments of Indigenous peoples in Canada. If you missed it, you can see all 12 award winners here.

Thanks for your time and help!

Happy National indigenous Peoples Day.

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