#leadershiptruth – Think “B” Plan with “A” execution.

#leadershiptruth - Think "B" Plan with "A" execution.

Over the years of leading teams and building a business I’ve noticed one of the biggest killers of progress is the quest for perfection. I’ve watched teams try to figure out the perfect plan before executing their ideas only to find themselves missing the opportunity. With the world changing at ever increasing speeds, the best thing you can do is ship your ideas. Get them out the door quickly. And then, once they’re out in the world, test, learn, adjust, refine. I had a boss that used to call this ‘changing the fan belt while the motor is running.’ For entrepreneurs, this concept is second nature. For more risk-adverse organizations, it’s time to worry less about developing the perfect ‘A’ plan and more about executing a ‘B’ plan well.


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