#leadershiptruth – Job Expectations are Like Quicksand

Welcome to the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world. Gotta love that an acronym developed by the US military has now gone mainstream as a way to describe today’s workplaces. With the pace of change now simply relentless and industries being disrupted at increasingly rapid paces, the challenge that many leaders face is the ability to keep up with performance expectations. What used to be great performance last year, probably isn’t meeting expectations this year. With expectations shifting faster than quicksand, it’s easy for ambitious leaders to find themselves stuck in the proverbial mud if they’re not having regular and frequent conversations about what success looks like. Do you know what your manager’s expectations are of you? Are you sure? Might be something to bring up next time you talk to your boss about deliverables. Ask him or her what success will look like in a year. You might find the answer surprising.


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