Leadership Week – Manifesto #4

This week we are celebrating great leaders who make a difference. Leaders who drive results while focusing on people. Leaders who balance profit with planet and make an impact not just today, but with an eye on the future.

Each day as we highlight the values of great leadership, we encourage you to tag a leader who inspired you in the comments below or visit our Facebook page and tag them or share our leadership snapshots with them, to send them the recognition they deserve!

Leadership Manifesto #4 – Honour Your Values

Be who you are, everyone else is taken. – Emerson

LW idea 1-03Our core values are the compass that guides us through our decision-making. Authenticity comes when our values align to our words and actions.

“Values-based leaders never have a problem looking in the mirror. Their authenticity shines through”. Tweet This!

In tough situations, our core values help us make difficult decisions and balance what’s right for our business with what’s right for us.

Difficult decisions are never as difficult when you are honouring your values.

Which leader in your life lives their values to the fullest?

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