Leadership Week – Final Installment

All this week we have been celebrating great leaders who make a difference. Leaders who drive results while focusing on people. Leaders who balance profit with planet and make an impact not just today, but with an eye on the future.

As we have each day this week, we encourage you today to tag a leader who inspired you in the comments below or visit our Facebook page and tag them or share our leadership snapshots with them, to send them the recognition they deserve!

Leadership Week Manifesto #10:  Stay Curious

LW idea 1-10I once asked a senior executive what separated the top employees from the rest. He said ‘They’re curious. They always look beyond their own areas and try to find connections and build understanding about other parts of the business’.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but a lack of curiosity can kill your career. Tweet This!

Especially in a time where technology is disrupting our work at an accelerated pace.

Great leaders keep learning. They get out of their comfort zones. They look for connections. They stay agile. Stay curious my friends.


Tag a leader you know who keeps curiosity at the forefront. And thanks for playing along with #leadershipweek 2016!  And let’s celebrate great leadership all year long. We need as much of it as we can get!

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