Leadership Week – Embrace Vulnerability

This week we are celebrating great leaders who make a difference. Leaders who drive results while focusing on people. Leaders who balance profit with planet and make an impact not just today, but with an eye on the future.

Each day as we highlight the values of great leadership, we encourage you to tag a leader who inspired you in the comments below or visit our Facebook page and tag them or share our leadership snapshots with them, to send them the recognition they deserve!

 Embrace Vulnerability

LW idea 1-07All hail vulnerability. The strongest trait any leader can possess in a world that isn’t slowing down and where great questions will be your new currency”. Tweet This!

When I got my first management position, I thought my job was to have all the answers. To know exactly what to do and when to do it. Not to be the ‘source’ for my team felt like I was weak and not adding value.

I soon realized that having all the answers becomes an impossibility and that asking questions doesn’t make you look weak. On the contrary, you appear interested, curious and… in my case… admitting I didn’t know everything led to some interesting and enlightening conversations where I learned a lot.

Being vulnerable enough to say ‘I’m not sure’ or ‘I don’t know’ is a sign of a strong leader who knows how to accept their limitations and not feel the need to ‘fake it ‘till you make it’.


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