Leadership and Sustainability: voice your opinion

Sustainable development has been defined as: “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (Brundtland) Sustainability can be thought of as ensuring the ability of future generations to live well on a healthy planet.  What is your opinion on a leader’s obligations towards sustainability?

Executive Roundtable mentor and supporter, Katherine Rethy, is currently completing a Masters in Leadership through an international university and is seeking input from leaders on the question:

Do business leaders have any responsibility to lead for sustainability?

Kathy’s specifically interested in whether those who are successful leaders in business have a responsibility to lead society and the economy towards sustainable economic, environmental and social development.  The responsibility is beyond managing risk and liability (ie: the recent BP situation).

We’d love you to help Kathy with her research by taking two minutes to answer her anonymous online survey.

Thanks for your support!

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