Leadership Lessons They Don’t Teach in School 2013 Edition

Each year, we invite three senior leaders to come together and share their perspectives on what shaped their personal leadership views and experiences beyond the pages of a textbook. This Fall we welcomed Bev Deeth (President, Concerned Children’s Advertisers), Greg Bandler, President (Founder & Managing Director, Brand-Point) and Paul Clipson, (VP Leadership & Talent Development, Maple Leaf Foods) to our podium. Here are a few highlights of what they had to share:

On Leadership

  • Leadership isn’t just about “leading by example”… it’s all about assembling the right team and enabling them.
  • You have to have the right questions, not the right answers.
  • Leadership isn’t a job, it’s an attitude.
  • Anyone can be a leader in the right situation.

On Taking Career Risks

  • Don’t be afraid to take risks; you can always re-package yourself and its ok to go sideways before you go up.
  • Seek opportunities to work globally so that you broaden your perspectives. The rewards of taking that type career leap will outweigh the risk.
  • Career risks are often about pushing out of our comfort zones. Sometimes it’s riskier to be comfortable that take a stretch opportunity.

On Not Sweating the Small Stuff

  • You have to pay attention to the small stuff; you need to understand the customer experience.
  • Surround yourself with good people who will look after the execution details. You have to stay out of the weeds – trust and believe in your team.
  • Feeling of being behind is always worse than the reality; sweating the small stuff sucks the emotional energy out of you. Sometimes you just need to dig in and get things done.

On Authenticity at Work

  • If you don’t fit, go work somewhere else; if you’re uncomfortably different, why would you distort yourself?
  • If you’re moaning about how bad it is at work every day, then it’s time for a change.
  • Know what fuels you and choose your career moves carefully to ensure your roles align to your strengths and values.
  • Definitely be you, but also be respectful of what’s working and the environment your leading in. Don’t expect that the organizational culture to flex for you.

Final Pieces of Leadership Advice
Greg: “Do the right thing”
Bev: “Hard work pays off”
Paul: “In a 24 hour day, you need 8 for sleeping, 8 for working and 8 for living. Make sure work doesn’t spill too far over into each area.”

As always, there was so much more. Thank you to our members and table facilitators who brought great energy and questions to the group. Next up will be our View from the C-Suite roundtable on December 4th with Peter Aceto, President & CEO of ING DIRECT Canada. I hope you can join us.

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