Holiday Happiness: 5 Ways to be Mindful

This week, The Roundtable is celebrating 10 years in business by giving back to our amazing community. To show our thanks and spread some cheer, we’ve put together a Holiday Happiness Guide with tips and tricks to make the most out of the holiday season.

Now it’s time to focus on the most important part of this whole happiness equation: you. You may have a dozen dishes to prepare or a hundred presents to wrap, but if you get caught up in all the stress of the holidays you will miss out on all the fun. Here are some recommendations to help you live in the moment and appreciate your time off.

  1. Enjoy some art, curated with a deeper message to help you manage life’s hardships
  2. Nothing is quite as satisfying as completing a project
  3. Read a book that will feed your soul
  4. Phone a friend or family member and ask them how they’re doing. Make a point to dedicate your full self to listening to them, without adding anything in about you. Remember that the holidays are hard for some people, and the person you’re reaching out to probably really appreciates the listening ear.
  5. Take some time to listen to yourself. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Try to clear your mind, acknowledging any thoughts that come up and then letting them go. Do this once a day over the break for as long as you like, and when you head back to work you will have formed a new habit!

If you want help cultivating mindfulness within yourself or your team, our mindfulness master coach Colin de France can help! Click here to get more information on Colin’s Art of Mindful Leadership program.

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