From the Archives: #leadershiptruth – Hand in a B paper.

Hey all you high achieving, excellence pursuing, ‘don’t know when to let it go’ leaders… this post is for you. Guess what? Sometimes it’s o.k. if you hand in a “B” paper! For reals!! One of the secrets that uber-busy, stretched-too-thin, senior executives know is how to stop wasting time over-engineering stupid sh*t. They know that by spending their energies on things that give diminishing returns, they’re taking their time and focus away from the things that are actually going to make a difference to the business. So next time you’re at your desk at 10 p.m. making sure everything is ‘perfect,’ ask yourself “is what I’m doing saving lives or going to make or break the business?” If the answer is no, pack it up. Go home. Get some sleep. Save your ‘A’ game for when you really need it.



Originally published May 2018.

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