From Here to There, the Art of Change Management

Whether it’s a restructuring, a new organizational vision, a period of rapid growth or something else, change doesn’t come easily. No doubt you’ve heard the stats: studies show that in most organizations, two out of three transformation initiatives fail.

Growth. Disruption. Change.

How are you enabling your leaders and teams to thrive in this new normal?

Steering your way through change is tough, but the biggest challenge organizations face is that there is little agreement on what success looks like and which factors are key. Ask five executives to name the one factor critical for the success of any change management initiative and you’ll probably get five different answers. That’s because each executive looks at it through the lens of their function and personal experience.

Smashing Silos

Silos create an environment where sharing and collaborating for anything other than one’s own silo’s special interests is virtually impossible. Silos are not inherently bad for business—it’s important to provide organizational structure for different departments. However, during times of change, senior leaders must join hands across all functions to be able to get from the current state to the desired future state.

Departments that collaborate effectively, that understand one another’s roles in achieving the organization’s goals, and that value one another’s input, make for a more efficient workplace.

Aligning Leaders

In these challenging times, your leaders must be aligned on your key strategic priorities and will need the mindsets, approaches and personal resilience to motivate their people to go above and beyond. Your key leaders will need to be collaborative and a stabilizing force for their teams as they navigate the inevitable uncertainty and ambiguity that comes with any major change initiative.

Often, The Roundtable is brought in to support leaders with group coaching during times of transition. Group coaching brings together leaders from across functions, enabling them to get out of their own little box. It creates an opportunity for dialogue throughout an organization.

Group coaching allows leaders to:

  • Address real issues in real time
  • Share strategies and exchange best practices on what’s working and what’s not
  • Maintain connection, build engagement and create a sense of community regardless of proximity

This helps leaders to work collaboratively to find solutions for the inevitable challenges that come with change.

Here at The Roundtable, we’ve been leading group coaching programs for over 15 years. If you’d like to learn more about how you can convert your existing leadership programming into virtual group coaching programs or how to maximize your existing one-to-one executive coaching programs into high impact group programs, feel free to reach out to me to discuss your strategic priorities. Together we can break down silos in your organization.

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