Fire Them Up!

Fire Them UpFire Them Up! by Carmine Gallo

Reviewed by: Glain Roberts-McCabe

The Premise: Tough economic times call for inspired leadership. In Fire Them Up! , Carmine Gallo, communications coach, author and journalist provides an easy to follow road map on how to inspire people to do their best. Drawing on interviews from leaders from companies such as Google, Travelocity, Cranium, Gymboree, The Ritz Carlton, and Cold Stone Creamery, Gallo pulls out that the real secrets that inspire followership. The steps include: Ignite your enthusiasm (if you’re not excited, how do you expect others to be?); Navigate the way (have a clear vision); Sell the benefit (what’s in it for them/others?); Paint a picture (tell stories to bring the vision to life); Invite participation (bring your team into the picture); Reinforce an optimistic outlook (keep the momentum through inspiring); Encourage their potential (believe in your team, recognize progress and success). Overall, the book provides a great blueprint for any leader looking to inspire great results.

The Bottom-line: This book is a really enjoyable read filled with concrete tactics from other executives who’ve “been there”. He even manages to quote Tyra Banks in an America’s Next Top Model moment… fierce! No matter what your leadership level, you can expect to find lots of ideas to add to your leadership toolkit. And, the inspiring stories from other leaders are sure to be a welcome shot in the arm to counter the effects of today’s current news headlines.

Roundtable Rating: Recommended.

Readability Factor: Very easy.

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