Fast Friday with Wanda Parker Bell, force of nature, leadership enthusiast, friend, wife and mom

On Wednesday of this week, my friend Wanda Parker Bell lost her battle with cancer. Wanda was one of those women who, once you met her, left an indelible impression that you would never forget. I think if you could have found a way to bottle her energy, you’d have been able to solve global warming, create world peace, end famines and still have time to whip up a gourmet meal.  Wanda was a natural teacher and mentor. Here’s one of the many pieces of advice she gave to me over the years:

 “You just have to bust your ass and gather up enough speed that when you hit the bumps in the road you have enough momentum to fly over them and keep going!”

She shared this gem with me as I expressed concern (as a newbie sales rep) about my fear of rejection that comes with losing a sale. I loved that message. Sales, like most things in life – certainly leadership – is all about working hard and getting forward momentum. As Wanda knew, hard work creates forward momentum and forward momentum builds the confidence you need to handle the occasional bump in the road.

Sadly though, sometimes life throws unfair and insurmountable bumps at you.  Cancer may have ended Wanda’s journey too soon, but like all great mentors, her wisdom lives on in those of us who were lucky enough to know her.

I am going to miss Wanda’s boundless encouragement and enthusiasm.

Shine on dear friend.

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