Fast Friday with Jody Thompson, co-founder ROWE

As we were looking for articles for our October issue of the Roundtable Recap, I stumbled upon a quote from Irene Rosenfeld of Kraft in a recent Fortune Magazine interview. She said: “. . .  if there’s an important event in your child’s life or there is something that you need to do, do it. I think you can do it within the context of your business responsibilities. I think you can do it by working it out with your boss. But don’t come to regret having missed some of these hallmark events. But you can’t do all of them, and I think making some of those choices is important.”  I thought maybe it was just me that got my back up about this old school line of thinking but Jody Thompson, summed it up nicely:

“Please excuse me, Irene, while I vomit up my Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.”

Awesome straight between the eyes quote and, frankly, I’m with Jody and her partner in crime Cali Ressler architects of the ROWE movement (Results-Only Work Environment).  All this talk lately of “worklife balance” has really started to make my eyes roll (see previous post for that rant).

Anyway, check out the full post on Jody and Cali’s ROWE blog and seriously, all you Gen X and Y leaders… let’s start redefining leadership and work for us.  We may be small compared to those boomers, but we can be mighty.

Happy leading!

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