Fast Friday with author and teacher Gina Mollicone-Long

For those of you who don’t know author and teacher Gina Mollicone-Long, you’re missing out… big time.  Gina’s one of those “force to be reckoned with” types with a presence that fills the room and a clarity about her mission in life that’s enviable.  Earlier this week, I heard Gina share lessons learned about getting her first book published and the topic turned to how many people don’t publish their book because they’re afraid of what others will think of it.  Our concern for others’ opinions that often holds up back from making bold moves.  To which Gina said…

“Only 10% of the people who come to your funeral are going to cry.  When I’m finding myself holding back from something, I ask myself: is this person going to be crying at my funeral?  If the answer’s “no”, I just let it rip.”

And that’s why I love Gina.

Most of us worry about what others think from time to time.  I’ve seen people accept promotions they didn’t want because they were afraid of how it would “look” to others.  I’ve seen people stay in miserable jobs because if they quit they couldn’t afford to buy “things” that they’re neighbours/friends etc. can afford.  I’ve seen people do what they think the boss wants them to do (even though they don’t want to do it) because they want to be liked (funnily, the same people still get laid off/fired, etc.).  I could go on.

As you head into this weekend take a pause and ask yourself: what am I not doing that I want to be doing because I’m worried about what others may think?  Maybe it’s time to let it rip.

Happy leading!

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