Fast Friday: Words of Wisdom from Renato Discenza CEO of Invest Toronto

For this week’s installment of our Fast Friday words of leadership advice, I dig back to May of 2008 and our inaugural PowerRoundtable panelist Renato Discenza.  Renato’s now CEO of Invest Toronto, but at that time was in between gigs and shared with us this jewel that went along the lines of…

“Treat your employees like you would want your kids to be treated”.

Now, depending on your parenting approach, we’re not talking about sending your team to the naughty step.  What Renato shared was the thought that, as (good) parents, we want what is best for our kids.  We want to see them succeed… to follow their passions… to do their best.

Great managers do the same for their teams.  They genuinely care and look to bring the best out of people.  They help each team member live up to their potential.  Sure, that may, from time to time mean setting boundaries or correcting errant behaviour, but what lives behind the constructive feedback is a true desire to help your employees succeed.

I’ve heard lots of our executive panelists describe management as being akin to parenting and there’s definitely truth to that analogy.  What’s your take?

Happy leading!

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