Do you know, where you’re going to?

And do you like the things that life is showing you…?  Where are you going to?  Do you know???

On that note, our lively PowerRoundtable panelists got our members engaged in a fascinating discussion about balancing short and long-term focus.  Thanks to Lee Nehring of Xstrata Nickel, Jeff Gilchrist of IBM Canada and Caroline Dabu of BMO Financial for sharing their insights with our audience.

Here are some of the discussion highlights to help you know where you’re going to as a leader… and in life:

  1. Values, values, values… know your values – as an individual and as an organization – and let them be a compass to help you set strategy and maintain your course during challenging times.
  2. Be prepared to adjust your approach… keep sight on your long-term objectives but know when to take risks and seize opportunities.  Flexibility is key.
  3. Build connections… get involved beyond your organization.  Network strategically to build your skills and help stay tuned to emerging trends that may affect your strategy (personally and organizationally).
  4. Recruit for talent…  ultimately people drive results.  Know what talent you need and hire people that are excited about the vision and aligned to the organization’s core values.
  5. Build capacity for strategic thinking… but don’t try to turn everyone into a strategist.  Communicate the vision and long-term picture with your team, but recognize the roles individuals play in driving day-to-day execution.
  6. It’s all about accountability… know your goals and objectives.  Write them down (especially personally). Then, hold yourself accountable for your own success.  Keep your values at the fore-front of your decision-making even though it may mean making tough choices in the short-term that will ultimately give you bigger rewards in the long-term.

Join us at our next PowerRoundtable on December 2 where we’ll explore how to rebuild trust.  This should be a hot one.  And, if you’re ready to expand your network with some amazing, like-minded leaders… join The Executive Roundtable: the organization for leaders on the move.

Happy leading!

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