Collective Development

In our latest leadership report, we dive deeper into collective development.

Collective Development

The demand on leaders today is significant. They must simultaneously: drive results, set clear expectations, engage their people, provide coaching and feedback, recognize mental health challenges, drive innovation… the list is never-ending.  Leaders are expected to be everything to everybody (a ‘heroic’ leader) and so we send leaders on ‘leadership training’ expecting them to acquire the skills and knowledge to effectively do all these things. Unfortunately, these expectations are not actually realistic, and as a result, the impact of traditional leadership development often falls short of the hopes we have for them.

According to research done by global assessment provider Management Research Group (MRG), fewer than 6% of leaders can effectively manage both the results and people side of leadership. Most leaders lean either heavily in one direction or the other. Instead of focusing so much of our development efforts on helping individual leaders attempt to get marginally better, it’s time to shift our energies to helping leaders and our organizations unlock the power of the collective.

In today’s world of work, leadership is a team sport where leaders support each other, tap into each others’ strengths and know how to unleash their collective impact to drive greater outcomes for themselves, their teams and their organizations.

At The Roundtable, we help organizations achieve just this, through Group Coaching where we focus on the collective development of a group of leaders, creating a ripple effect that has a transformational effect across the organization. Here are a few ways that group coaching uniquely supports collective vs individual development:

  1. Shared Experience: Working in small peer groups, leaders learn not only from the coach but also from each other’s experiences, questions, reflections and insights. This shared learning experience instills a deep sense of connection and trust across the group and exposes participants to multiple perspectives on common leadership challenges, enriching each member’s understanding and growth.
  2. Accountability: Group coaching includes the establishment of personal goals for each participant and sharing them with the group, which significantly enhances the sense of accountability. Knowing that others are aware of their goals and progress can motivate individuals to stay committed and take consistent action toward their objectives.
  3. Support and Encouragement: Connected peer groups offers a support network where members can encourage each other, celebrate successes, and provide comfort during challenges. The supportive environment can boost morale and motivation, essential components for both personal and collective development.
  4. Diverse Strategies and Solutions: Group coaching introduces individuals to new strategies and solutions outside their own experience, enabling them to choose new approaches to support their professional journey.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability: Group coaching is typically more accessible and affordable than one-on-one coaching, making personal and professional development more attainable for a broader audience.

By fostering a collaborative and supportive environment, group coaching enables individuals to grow together, leveraging the group’s collective energy, knowledge, and support to achieve personal and shared goals.

The Roundtable has been a leading authority on Group Coaching for almost two decades. If you are interested in learning more about how Group Coaching might support the development of leaders in your organization, please reach out to us for a complimentary consultation.

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