Celebrating The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

Today is The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. In recognition of this important day, it is crucial for all of us to confront our past, our biases and actions, and commit to an equitable future. To do this, we must work with Indigenous leaders and communities, amplify their voices, and work to dismantle racism and the barriers to equality Indigenous peoples experience.

Many people are well aware of the statistics on the socio-economic situation of Indigenous peoples in Canada. In partnership with Indspire, we are striving to play a role in changing this by providing 215 university scholarships over the next 5 years to First Nation, Inuit and Métis youth across Canada as they pursue post-secondary education.

As part of The Roundtable’s ongoing commitment towards Truth and Reconciliation, we have begun sending a copy of Bob Joseph’s book “21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act” to all of our program participants as a means to continue the conversation around Indigenous allyship.

In the book, Joseph examines how Indigenous peoples can return to self-government, self-determination, and self-reliance and why these moves would benefit all Canadians, challenges stereotypes, and encourages every Canadian to find ways to help Indigenous people bring to reality the recommendations made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

What we appreciate about this book is the way that Joseph explores the elements of the Indian Act and shines the light on the cruelty and injustice in a way that does not shame the reader, but rather educates. The facts are horrific, and the legacy left behind can feel overwhelming. Where do we start? What can I, as one individual do? And that is where Joseph comes in with some simple steps that anyone of us can take.

To learn more about Bob Joseph’s work, you can watch our interview with him as part of our Ask the Expert series and read our top three key takeaways.

And if you’re looking to find a way to take immediate action, learn more about how you can get involved in supporting indigenous youth education through our #Impact215 partnership with Indspire.

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