Branding YOU

Yesterday, we hosted our first PowerRoundtable of the fall with our fantastic friends at Right Management.  The discussion with our executive panelists on how you can build your brand to achieve career success ran the gambit from Matthew Corrin sharing his experience of having Sir Richard Branson douse him with a glass of water; to Patricia Lovett Reid sharing the importance of the soundbite; to Rosemarie McClean’s parting quote from Oscar Wilde: “Be yourself…everyone else is already taken.”.

A great discussion with great contributions made by our members and panelists alike.  Here are the top tips, as gathered by the Right Management coaching team:

  1. Take ownership… organizations are no longer compelled to help you build your brand in the way they did when tenure was longer.  The need for you to take ownership of your own brand is crucial.
  2. Know your skills… be clear on your strengths and what you can offer your organization. Seek feedback regularly.
  3. Stay on top of the trends… stay attuned to trends so that you can continually build your toolkit to remain competitive.
  4. Think “small steps”…  your brand will build over time through each action you take.  Talk is cheap, execution is key.
  5. Seek opportunities/take chances… think beyond your job box to find ways to build your career brand. Lead a committee, join a not for profit board, extend yourself in new directions to gain new experiences that help you build your brand.
  6. Know when to say “no”… walk away from opportunities that don’t align with your personal brand.
  7. Stay aligned… when representing an organization, remember that you are an extension of that brand. Pursuit of your personal brand in a way that is misaligned with the strategic priorities of an organization will compromise your effectiveness and success within the organization. And, if you no longer believe in the corporate brand, know when it’s time to move on.
  8. Be authentic… start with who you are and build your brand from there. Only this will build trust in your brand, overtime.

Don’t miss the discussion at our next event:  Strategy: balancing short and long-term decisions. Register here.

Happy leading!

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