Are you unintentionally disengaging your top talent?

I don’t think most managers like to think that they are driving their best people out the door, but when I looked at the answers posted to the following question on LinkedIn, a lot of the reason’s voiced were (what I would consider) rookie management mistakes.

The question was:  What do organizations do to disengage their top performers?

Check out the LinkedIn responses.

Interesting set of responses which really just leads me to believe that poor management is a serious epidemic!

My favourite response was the simple: “they tell them “NO””.  Sadly, that’s a situation I’ve lived, witnessed and made the mistake of doing myself.  In my experience and opinion, it’s probably the one word that contributes the most to disengagement of high performers.

What’s your opinion?  If this is a topic that you’d like to debate, why not join me at the Strategic Leadership Forum Human Capital Council event next Wednesday, November 25 at 6:30 p.m.? Visit the SLF website for more details.

Happy leading!

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