Top 3 Takeaways from “Surviving to Thriving” with Amy Laski

Ask the Expert: Amy Laski

Thanks to those who joined us for our Ask the Expert conversation with Amy Laski, founder of Felicity PR. We had a great time unpacking the joys and unique challenges of building virtual teams during the highs and lows of a pandemic. We covered a lot from how to build culture at a distance to the importance of setting (and resetting) expectations in all areas.

Here’s a link to the webinar to watch it in full, and here are my top 3 takeaways.

1) Level Down Your Expectations

This is a hard one for type A over-achievers to choke down, but now is not the time for stretch targets. With the high degree of uncertainty and unpredictability, goals and objectives and likely going to go sideways. Reframe expectations and give yourself permission to pull back off the gas a little bit. Maybe your upcoming business planning session needs less business talk and more connectivity. Maybe that new software upgrade can wait until next year. It’s hard for overachievers, once a goal is set or an agenda pinned down, to back off. It can feel like failing. Be compassionate with yourself and reframe what success looks like in the here and now.

2) Lean in to Vulnerability

As leaders, it’s time to kick the “never let them see you sweat” slogan to the curb. Instead, transparency, openness and candour are the name of the game. Create space for you, and your team, to release your emotional energy. Hold a facilitated venting session where you release all the concerns, fears and uncertainties. Bottling up emotions gets them trapped in your body and leads to burnout. Look for ways to release the pressure and let out the steam. Up your regular check-ins and don’t assume that, because someone was fine yesterday, they’re also fine today.

3) Be Intentional About Culture

Culture and engagement are created through the daily actions we take and the words we use. Get intentional about your culture, whether you’re face to face or virtual. It’s all about specificity. Define your core guidelines, working agreements, values — however you choose to label them — and don’t just stick them on a wall. Turn them into a living, breathing document that gets shared within your team. Review and update it regularly. Celebrate those that exemplify them. Course correct as you need to.

To pick up more tips on virtual workplace best practices, visit and, for the marketers in the crowd, check out and sign up for Felicity’s monthly MarketWell newsletter.

See you next time for Ask the Expert on November 25th when I’ll be joined by Dan Pontefract, author, leadership guru and all around fun guy. We’ll be diving into his latest book: Lead. Care. Win. How to be a Leader who Matters. Look forward to having you join me there.

Thanks again for joining us and be sure to reach out if we can:

  • Help your leaders build high performance teams
  • Help you create an accountable/results-focused culture
  • Help your leaders navigate change, disruption and growth

All our programs are currently being delivered virtually.

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