Thank YOU for 15 Years of Making an Impact

Roundtable Team in orange 'every child matters' tshirts celebrating 15 years

Today is our 15th Anniversary and what a journey it’s been! We’ve grown and accomplished so much over the last decade and a half. I am grateful to everyone who has been a part of our success.

We’ve accomplished many things at The Roundtable over the years, yet one of my proudest moments was earlier this year when we announced our multi-year partnership with Indspire, an organization that provides financial assistance to Indigenous youth in Canada pursuing higher education in the field of business or leadership

I made a quick update video to share some highlights or scroll down to see how you can get involved.

The grisly discovery of 215 Indigenous children buried in mass graves in Kamloops BC deeply affected us and gave us a cause that we knew we wanted to rally behind. To honour the legacy of the Kamloops 215, we have a big, hairy audacious goal (BHAG) to fund 215 bursaries over the next 5 years.

Here are a few simple ways you can help transform lives through #Impact215:

  • Refer a colleague to a Roundtable program. We have committed to taking a percentage of all referral sales that we receive and putting those monies towards funding more #Impact215 bursaries. Contact us here.
  • Make a donation directly to The Roundtable Leadership Bursary.Any amount will make a big difference and help us fund more students. Donate here.
  • Commit to truth and reconciliation. Take the corporate pledge for Truth and Reconciliation or enrol in the program How to Be an Ally developed by the Indigenous Training Corporation Inc.

You can also increase your own Indigenous competency. In celebration of our 15th year in business, we are amplifying 15 prominent Indigenous voices/organizations:

  1. Alanah Astehtsi Otsistohkwa (Morningstar) Jewell
  2. Caleb Ellison-Dysart
  3. Canadian Roots Exchange
  4. Decolonize Myself
  5. Emily Kewageshig
  6. Indigenous Peoples Movement
  7. Indspire
  8. Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
  9. James Jones
  10. Megan Tipler
  11. Michelle Chubb
  12. Native Women’s Association of Canada
  13. Raven Reads
  14. The Art for Aid Project
  15. The Caring Society

As leaders, we can’t rewrite history but we can be a part of creating a better future. Thank you for being a part of our community. We would not be here today without each and every one of you. On behalf of everyone here at The Roundtable, we are grateful for your support and friendship. Here’s to another 15 years and more dreaming big, making an impact, getting sh*t done and having fun along the way.

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