Roundtable Exchange Program™

Catalyze a Culture of Collaboration
We live in an age of collaboration. A recent study through I4CP study on corporate productivity found that companies who work collaboratively were 5 times as likely to be high performing.
So, how do you get there?
Some teams span multiple locations. Many projects necessitate working with colleagues from across different functions. Cross-functional reporting is more and more common, which means more connectivity across the organization, right? Not always. Creating the organizational structures for people to work together doesn’t necessarily mean that they will.
Here’s what disconnection looks like:
Some projects are stalled due to under-collaboration, others due to over-collaboration. Deadlines are missed. Leaders are unwilling to broach difficult conversations. Departments are working in silos.
When your business success depends on individuals working well together and they’re not, sluggish performance and missed opportunities are the outcomes.
What if you could bring your leaders together to exchange and expand ideas with each other?
What if you could shortcut learning and accelerate cross-functional collaboration?

Coach Your Leaders to Coach Each Other
Our Roundtable Exchange™ program gives participants a chance to build their coaching skills, improve their leadership impact, and expand their internal networks. Beyond traditional 1:1 mentoring programs, this 80% attendee participation and application, 20% facilitated discussion model helps develop and normalize leadership behaviours and expand perspectives over a number of group sessions.
Throughout your organization, you’ll see:
- Stronger cross-functional collaboration
- Increased retention and workplace engagement
- More consistent, structured mentorship
- Increased strategic networks and greater flow or organizational knowledge
At an individual level, you’ll see:
- Improved collaboration
- Enhanced empathy and appreciation for others
- Increased self-awareness and vulnerability
- Deeper appreciation of coaching and mentoring
- Broader understanding of the business
What's Next?
Looking for real results? Find out how TIFF broke down the silos between 23 departments and improved interdepartmental relationships with The Roundtable Exchange™ Program.

Catalyze a Culture of Collaboration
Schedule a complimentary coaching call to find out if the Roundtable Exchange program will meet your needs.

Why Work with the Roundtable?
We’re Championing a Leadership Movement.
We Don’t Give Leadership Lectures. We Cultivate Leaders.
We Coach Your Leaders to Coach Each Other.
We Align Development to Your Business Strategy.
We Are the Group and Team Coaching Authority.